WordPress for android

Just install the app “WordPress for Android”

Posted from WordPress for Android


WordPress for Android 2.0

WordPress for Android 2.0

  • Screenshot of Version 2.0 of WordPress for Android running on an Android tablet

    Tablet Ready

    Version 2.0 has been optimized for everyday tablet use. When viewing Posts, Pages and Comments on an Android tablet, you will now see a handy scrollable list on the left.

  • Screenshot of the Dashboard in Version 2.0 of WordPress for Android


    The Dashboard is the first thing you see when launching the app. It provides one tap access to creating posts, moderating comments, viewing stats, and more.

  • Screenshot of the new Editor in Version 2.0 of WordPress for Android

    Better Editor

    The new formatting toolbar rests above the keyboard and allows for easy rich text editing. You can now add media content wherever you like, and edit the Title, Caption, Placement, and Size of images.




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